Holy Child Jesus Parish is pleased to announce that we have six new Ministers of Care who have completed their training to bring Communion to the sick and the homebound. Please contact Art Blumberg, Director of Evangelization and Ministry if you or someone you know needs this care. Call (773) 764-0615, extension 140, or email art.blumberg@hcjp.org. You are invited to help honor them on Sunday, January 26.
Ignited Youth Ministry is hosting a Game "Night" for all teens and young adults! Join us for an afternoon of board games, video games, and fun! This will take place on Sunday, January 29th at 2:45-4:30pm on the 3rd Floor of the Convent (7325 N Claremont Ave.) You can bring your favorite board or video game to share. We can't wait to see you there!